Bitch Lasagna (SUB TO PEWDIEPIE)

Hi, welcome to my blog page. I'm great fan of android apps and android customizations. I'm kind of person who get bored easily so i make new homescreen customization and customize my android phones.

                                And here I have my nova launcher setup, there are many launchers for customizations, but still I love Nova Launcher.  It is one of the Best Launcher, It is also very old launcher. I'm using Nova Launcher for the past 5-6 year. The link for the nova launcher is down below.  There are two versions of Nova Launcher one is ordinary with limited features and another one is Nova Launcher Prime and it costs about a buck and half. 

                                When it comes to customization mostly we use widgets I use zooper widgets and KWGT for widgets. Zooper is old and easy customizable widget, KWGT is also easy to customize but when compared Zooper is easy to make. Download link for zooper widget and KWGT are down below.

I have created the wallpaper using picsart. The live subscriber count is a widget from an app called Subscriber Count. I have used Kmusic 2 KWGT for the music widget and the "subscribe to pewdiepie" is made using zooper widget . The youtube icon is made using gianticon

Wallpaper : Checkout in Wallpapers tab

Widget : Self-made Zooper and Kmusic 2 KWGT

Icon : Gianticon


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